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What a Week!

It’s been a busy one. I’ve added studying every night to my already busy schedule so I’ve been starting camming a little later than usual. I may need to adjust my planned schedule to fit. Right now I’m working on some continuing ed that I have to do every couple of years. I’m cramming it all in now so I can finish it before my classes start in August. Yes, I’m planning to be a college student! Just took my placement tests today and am very excited and optimistic. I plan to get a degree in culinary arts. I already love to cook so why not try to make a career out of it? Not too long ago I thought that becoming a massage therapist was something that I wanted to do but when it came down to it, I wasn’t really sure if rubbing strangers was my thing. I’m not sure that I’m a ‘healer’, and I feel like if you have to ask yourself if you are one then you’re probably not. So here I am! Working my ass off and readying myself to take on classes. I feel very motivated! And tired!

I’VE ADDED NEW PANTIES TO MY STORE!! Can you tell how excited I am about it? I listed 17 new pair and two have been bought already. Check them out! Several of them have sequins or rhinestones on them which is friggin’ awesome!

In addition to several new booty shaking videos I shot a smelly feet fetish clip. Earlier in the week I had a customer come to me for 2 foot fetish shows in one night. He really enjoyed me having him smell my stinky feet from different angles so that was the inspiration for this clip. It’s 3 minutes and $3.99. You can find it on Clips4Sale.

Since I had my test this morning I did not cam last night. I plan to make up for it Sunday night so you can come see me then or tonight! I’ll be on Streamate and AdultWork, or you can grab a private Skype show from me.

It’s gonna be hot as shit tomorrow and I plan to combat this with lots of mojitos. Made my mint syrup last night!! I hope you all have a great weekend. Love yas.

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