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New Youtube Channel!

So way back when I used to have some nice YouTube channels.  Had some pretty popular videos.  Mostly of me dancing, and twerking, because obviously I’m a fantastic dancer and twerker.  Some were of me showing off panties on my panty specific YouTube. For some reason my videos were ALWAYS getting reported and taken down, even though they had no nudity.  I assumed this stemmed from what all internet reporting stems from: jealousy and saltiness, but of course I can’t prove this.  Ultimately both of my channels were suspended.  For a while I was like wtf and figured I’d never be able to keep up a channel as a camgirl successfully, but then I had a lightbulb moment… I’ll vlog! Wow what a fucking epiphany right?

So that’s what I’m doing.  Daily vlogs on YouTube.  I hope you’ll subscribe, comment, and share with the world, because I’m pretty excited about it.  Here is my welcome video, I’ve currently got 2 other vlogs posted and am uploading a few more tonight!  I’ll definitely be updating on my every day life and am really looking forward to interacting with people in the comments section and getting ideas for future videos as well as making some new friends!  I’m definitely down to subscribe back so if you do subscribe to my channel just shoot me a message and I’ll be sure to subscribe to yours!

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Thanks for reading. Thanks for watching!

4 Responses to “New Youtube Channel!”

  1. Miss you and love you an infinite amount. Happy new Years Roselynn, keep happy, and shapely.

  2. Happy New Year!

  3. Will you be posting more twerk videos?

  4. That’s what got my channel taken down! So probably not. But there are plenty of twerking videos on my Shakinit Site and I’ll definitely be adding a lot more.

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