My Free Ebook for Camming Success!!
I’m very happy to offer to everyone interested in entering or already in the camming industry my 7 Top Tips for Camming Success Ebook, completely free of charge!
I’ve used my experience and sucesses (and failures!) in this industry for the past 8 years as inspiration for this. This book will teach you not only about the technical side of camming but also the mindset needed in order to make it. It’s a bit different than the usual which sites to sign up on/which camera to use etc. Those things are important but if you’re mind isn’t right… none of that matters.
In order to get your free download of the book instantly just enter your information in the form below!
**Update: 11/17/20: Automatic Delivery of this e-book is temporarily on hold while I switch email auto-responders. Please contact me here if you’d like the book and I will happily email it to you!**