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Been a While

I can’t believe how long it’s been since my last post! I’ve been quite a busy gal. Finished up another cooking class so I’ve got 8 weeks left in the semester. I’m ready to get it over with! Got a 100 on my term project and did well on my practical exam. I’m technically on Spring Break right now but I’m using the time to work my ass off since I’m planning to move soon. If all goes as planned I’ll be moving shortly after the first of April. The apartment complex I’m trying to get into is dragging their ass on letting me know if I’m approved or not. I’d kinda like to know since my move in date is in like 3 weeks! Send good vibes my way ’cause I’m really hoping to get this place.

If you’d like to help me out with the move you can just spend money on my in general, but I also have some household things listed on my wishlist and getting any of them for me would be a huge help. If you have any questions about what I need the most just contact me.

Thank you so much to everyone who has voted for me in Miss FreeOnes 2013!! There is about 3 hours left in the 2nd round right now and you guys got me there!! I don’t think I’ll be moving on to the final round but I’m fine with that. If you’d like to continue to vote for me I’m currently in FreakDaddy’s Sexiest Legs Picture Contest. My picture is definitely pretty sexy and I think I deserve to win so please vote daily!

I can’t really remember anything else that has gone on other than school, work, and getting ready to move, haha! I’m admittedly a little rushed at the moment though ’cause I’ve gotta do some schoolwork and get my tax stuff together for my accountant. Fun fun! I love being a grown up!!

Thank you guys for reading my rambles. I love ya.

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2 Responses to “Been a While”

  1. Congrats on the 100 KICK ASS!!!

  2. Thanks! That’s the second 100 I’ve gotten on a term project so far and they’re very involved too. I’m a proud nerd!

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