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Back in School. New Schedule. Goal Video!

Helloooo!  It’s that time again.  Classes started back up yesterday and I’m busy busy with school work.  It actually feels good to be back because I’m in the kitchen again, and one of my classes is music appreciation!  I’m feeling really good about this semester.  Hope I can keep my motivation up.  I was like a big ball of laziness over break but I’m feeling more energized now.

I’ve adjusted my schedule again to accommodate school.  New usual schedule is as follows:

  • Monday: 11:30 pm to 3:30 am
  • Off Tuesday
  • Off Wednesday
  • Thursday: 11:30 pm to 3:30 am
  • Friday: 11:30 pm to 3:30 am
  • Saturday: 11:30 pm to 3:30 am
  • Off Sunday (shooting content)

Fans of Rosie’s Booty, I’ve added my 200th video to my Shakinit site! If you still haven’t signed up you’re missing out on many many booty shaking, fetish, and other naughty videos for cheap.  A month membership is $25.95 or $24.95 if you sign up for a recurring subscription.  That’s a deal and half so join if you haven’t already!  Here’s a sexy preview of said video.  I’m wearing a sexy new thong in it that I just sold from my panty store

While we’re on the subject of videos. ExtraLunchMoney has this new feature that I think is pretty damn awesome.  It’s called Goal Videos.  How it works is sellers, such as myself, agree to make a certain type of video when their decided goal is reached in a certain amount of time.  Everyone can chip in an amount with a set minimum (much like gold shows on Streamate).  If the goal is reached within the time allowed then the video is sent to all of the buyers to chipped in.  If the goal is not reached then the credits are returned to the buyers.  I’m excited about this and would love to participate.  I’m welcoming suggestions for my first goal video so please if you have an idea leave it in the comments below!  I’m not doing boy girl videos at this time and I don’t do anal so please leave those requests out 😉

Everyone have a killer week! Come play with me on cam!

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